Friday, August 19, 2011

Back to School Thoughts while Going Blonder

Sitting here, head full of foils, counting down the seconds until I start my 6 year as a teacher. How 'bout them apples? That's amazing! This is also a landmark victory because I've made it past the typical 5 year burnout for special educators. Like I tell folks, I'm in special education life- in one capacity or another. Which brings me to another thought- if I weren't teaching, how else could I be as involved in the special education community in a professional sense? Teaching keeps me on the front line for all procedural and paperwork changes; it allows me to be our best advocate. I've always thought things happen for a reason, and my background definitely has definitely payed off in spades on terms of knowing and finding resources for Miles. So I guess I owe a huge AMEN and thanks for my school district for taking in me.

And I'm not the only one in countdown mode. Miles wanted to talk about his bus last night at bedtime. He's so ready. He misses his buddies, all of the fun activities, and of course, his beloved bus. I would pay (if I could) to get the same driver and aide for him. Miss Rita & Miss Carolyn truly loved him- and we couldn't have felt better sending him off each day- besides, they gave him the best hugs. I'm going to tear up soon- time to blame the bleach.

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