Sunday, July 4, 2010

We're back! (for an update)

This typing moment is brought to you exclusively by The Wiggles. Thanks gents for entertaining my munchkin whilst I do a brief update...

Okay, what's new? Well, I am absent from the blog-o-sphere because I am trucking through 16 credit hours of reading instruction, transition planning, and more. Interestingly enough, I never took more than 14 hours a semester at WM- looks like I was smarter in my undergrad years. However, this mad dash should be done by the end of August. So much for having a summer break, but it looks like a pretty sweet break is in store for the family over Christmas...

...with the arrival of the Thomas 2.o (which is now the official nickname). 2.o and I have been doing well, still heaving every morning, but that's it. Energy has returned. Moodiness is at an all time high, but I can always blame the hormones. We had a second ultrasound done about two weeks ago, but just a quick peek to make sure the heart was ticking. And it was! We have opted not to do any invasive prenatal testing, for several reasons. First, the facility we would have been referred totally missed Miles' Ds and heart defect during that pregnancy. Secondly, we want this little critter, no matter what. During my first OB appointment for the 2.0, a nurse was really pushing me to do testing, saying that you don't want to find out late that something is off. I said, "Look, we are the worst-case scenario for finding out late, so it's all good." If you don't already know, Miles wasn't diagnosed with Ds until after his two month appointment. (You can read all about it under the posts for June 2008). I did agree to more testing if soft markers appear during my regular OB appointments- but it wouldn't entail anything more than another ultrasound.

Miles is also gearing up for the 2.0's arrival. He keeps looking in my belly button, trying to snag a glance at the baby. He's also saying (orally) and signing baby very consistently. Even cuter, he's taken to feeding us, as if we were babies. I know that he's going to make the best big brother ever. He's room will be moved downstairs by the end of the month, and 2.0 will be next door to him. We've decided to keep the kiddos on the ground floor, and the parents get to have the upstairs all to themselves! The only downside means we are returning to baby monitors, which means the end of sleep. Again.

And finally, our plans for today involve cheering on Rafa in twenty minutes. Miles and I have been able to catch most of Wimbledon this year. And even cooler, Miles just got his first tennis racquet!!!!!! You have no idea how excited this makes me; learning tennis is a family tradition, and I can't wait to pass this on to my children. Given Miles' early interest in sports, I know he'll love it. Besides, he's already mastered throwing his racquet- another family tradition. As for 2.0, she/he and I will mostly like be playing in a singles league this fall. I can't wait to track down a maternity tennis skirt (aka table cloth)! Later today, we are headed to a Plentovich pool party at Aunt Joye's, and then we are capping the night off with some Colonial Williamsburg fireworks.

Hope you all have a safe July 4th! Turn up the Neil Diamond!

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