Saturday, July 10, 2010

Momma's little rock lobster!

Miles and me on a pre-dinner water ride. By the end, he was clapping. Loudly. And cheering.
Miles at the (surprise) show! You know he likes his Quiche Lorraine in Mesopotamia.

So instead of wrapping up some research I should have been doing, the family unit snuck over to Busch Gardens for a quite bit and a walk-about. To our surprise, the one and only B 52's were playing. We made this discovery after walking out of dinner and seeing masses of folks wander over to the concert stage area. Lo and behold, it turned out to be one of my favorite party bands, ever! While we didn't stay long because it was getting late and loud, I can proudly say my son has been to a B 52's concert. Rest assured, he boogied right along with his momma.

The walk back to car was another story. I am afraid I have developed a nasty case of sciatica and am being stubborn about it. Instead of resting, I determined to POWER THROUGH. Dumb, I know. Regardless, I spent 60 minutes on the living room floor writhing around because my right leg and butt cheek had become enemy insurgents. I can't believe this might be sticking around for months to come. Someone get me a jazzy. STAT.

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