Sunday, March 7, 2010


I didn't mean to stay up this late tonight. In fact, I was ready to crash following Miles' birthday party (pictures to come soon, scout's honor), but here I find myself and my memories, hacking away on this keyboard well after one a.m. Minutes before I started this post, I had all good intentions of writing my weekly lesson plans, to use this extra energy to get a jump start on Sunday. Yet, it just dawned on me- why on earth would I want to race through another day? Seriously, that is all I seem to do these days. And of all the days to rush, why lose a single second of my beautiful son's birthday?

Miles is two years old, or will be in exactly 97 minutes. Though soundly asleep at the moment, he's happy, healthy and simply amazing. I am fiercely proud of Miles. To meet me in person is to walk right into the Miles campaign office. Complete strangers know all about the new signs he's using, how he's learning to drum on a big boy set, that running shoes seem a natural fit for him, etc. I am not bragging; I am simply bubbling over with love. If there is one simple lesson I have learned as a parent it would be to celebrate EVERYTHING.

Though this is Miles' birthday, it also serves as my re-birthday. Once I finally met him face to face, that early March morning in 2008, my spirit and soul were completely reshaped, and I became a new person. I am sitting here crying, just trying to put into words how this child's existence has impacted me. And frankly, I don't think I can. Maybe my loss for words is because day to day I change and grow with him, and at this point, I don't have an answer since we are still evolving. Maybe in another handful of years, when new car smell of parenthood has worn off a bit, I will be better able to see the big picture. Then again, maybe not- we might be too busy living in that moment to look back.

With all of the ups and downs and Down from the past two years, I wouldn't change any of it. Not a single second- the time that we have shared together has been sacred. Through all of the laughter and pain, moments of silliness and utter heartbreak, we have journeyed together as a team, as a family, to this one point in time, a time to celebrate a most amazing life. Miles' life. The greatest treasure I will ever encounter.

Happy Birthday, my dear son. I love you more than I will ever know!


MK's Mom said...

Happy Birthday, Miles!

Kit said...

Happy NOW, Anna!