Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lovin' Spoonful

(Bill Cosby would be proud of all of this Jell-O product placement. Frazzle-snazzle!)

Good thing Miles can walk on his own now; Jesse refused to carry him to the bath tub. Oddly enough, Miles is not the only one with some sensory/ tactile issues in our house. Dada has some major reservations about gooey substances, i.e. pudding, finger paint, lotion, etc. Think I might develop a sensory diet for the elder one, too. Obviously, Miles is making major progress in this department. What you don't see is kiddo rocking out in the rice box during his therapy session. This week, my kitchen floor looked like an impromptu wedding was held there. A wedding where rice was used instead of birdseed. Maybe I could do some subversive techniques with Jesse, like hiding rice in his gloves. Hmmm.... maybe I am onto something, surprise therapy! Wait, isn't that called an intervention?

Regardless, Miles is turning into a spoon master. He's much chiller when he's calling the culinary shots, and I am more than happy to indulge him in this department.

And, on an unrelated note, in one month and one day, Miles will be 2 years old! Woo-hoo!

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