Friday, January 29, 2010

Update on the wild child's night

Someone did indeed get bitten, but this time it was not me. Woo-hoo!

After Miles' performance in the high chair, we all went to his room to play a little toddler soccer. In the heat of the moment, after successfully blocking Dada's cross-room goal shot, Miles raced over to Dada's backside and bit his butt.

Seriously, I don't know what has funnier: (1) Jesse howling over his injured fanny or (2) Miles evil laugh in response to his dad's reaction. To ensure that order and justice remained in our house, I gave Miles a yellow card and Jesse a warning for show-boating.

From now on, I will discipline my child using sports methods. There will be fines and penalties, maybe even a penalty box if there is left over wood from our huge kitchen overhaul (will show you soon). Clearly, my work here is done.



MK's mom said...

Where was the videocam....thanks for making me laugh out loud.

Kelly (Your Life Organized) said...

I love the yellow card! Lots of wisdom in that....