Friday, January 1, 2010

Off to Great Grandfather's House We Went

For the second Christmas break in a row, we packed up our toys and headed south. Way south, about an hour south of Tampa. Last year we made in the drive in one very long and tedious drive. This year we wised up and boarded a plane, or four. Much better. Much faster. And Miles is a phenomenal flier. Waiting during layovers is another story.
Her is Great Granddad's house. His new family name is Old Man Weigel. This is Florida, and a Hemingway nickname couldn't be a better fit.
That's a 92 year age difference right there. Amazing!
Yep, still amazing.
Hanging out in the backyard. Miles is saying, "Zee plane! Zee plane!"
Kiddo and Dada
Kiddo and me
Our favorite uncle of all time, Clark.
Walking practice at the hotel. Miles insisted on walking from our room to the car. Watching him navigate the elevator was hilarious.
Kiddo and Uncle Clark
The world famous (at least family famous) Brag Board. This is only a small slice.
Grapefruit = Balls. Like we didn't see that one coming!
Why yes, that does look natural Uncle Clark.
Grand kids and a great grand kid.
Homeward bound and couldn't be more excited. He's asked that we take him to Egypt next, or at least that is how I am interpreting "aaaa-oooo-aaaaey."

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