Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What's in a name, specifically, our names?

Look ma, no mellow...
So I already knew that my (maiden) surname translates into "warrior". See: German: from the Germanic personal name Wigant, originally a byname meaning ‘warrior’, from the present participle of wigan ‘to fight’. Also see: angry, obsessed with details, and seeker of complicated paperwork and forms. (In the dictionary, there is a picture of a hungry and impatient T-rex listed next to that entry. The T-rex is wearing bifocals and a sensible sweater. He also has puffy eyes from allergies.)

Tonight, whilst killing time on 'ye olde Internet, I learned that my son's name is right up that same fisticuffs, Walkin' Tall, livin' hard alley. Miles, of Latin origin, means soldier and fighter. I found another entry meaning "eager to please," but I am ignoring that one because it made me angry- and anger used to be my last name before I got hitched.

With a combo like that, should I have just named him Rocky Rambo-Swazey, Jr. ?

My surname a la marriage is an Aramaic term for twin. Does that mean he's going to be swinging both fists?

1 comment:

Kit said...

Don't forget the Caldwell (cold spring or stream) and Clark (scholar) blood in your veins!