Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Turkey Day?

Oh yeah, I said turkey- not pumpkin, goblin, or ghoolie.

Yesterday, on our drive to retrieve Little Man from his grandparent sleepover party, Jesse's beloved vehicle made a new interpretation of an open-faced turkey sandwich.

**Note: Miles was NOT in the car during the incident. We were on our way to pick him up.**

Some quick background information: We were moving along at a decent clip along a rural road; wild flying turkeys are not uncommon in the area. Update my comment about our speed. Jesse just informed me that we were going 60 miles per hour, and the cruise control never flinched- impact or not. The beaked perpetrator weighed in around 15 to 20 pounds- based upon spotting his body on the return trip home- while we were in a different car, obviously.

One moment, I was jamming out to "Eyes of the World" from the Dead's One from the Vault. Next moment, we are both yelling, and my husband is covered in glass shards. Two minutes later, we are both laughing out of shock and the utter absurdity of the situation. Who slams into a turkey???? Deer, sure. Squirrels, sadly. Turkey, never would have thought of it.

Jesse was mostly fine. Small cut on his forehead and glass bits for days covered his clothes. We are hoping the car's frame survived unscathed, but we won't know until the glass people take a look.

This is probably the scariest thing that has ever happened to me on a Halloween. And to think it involves Thanksgiving. Guess the calendar is trying to multitask on us.

On a final note, my brother, in a true Ted Nugent moment, wanted to know why we didn't go back and get the bird. Apparently, we left behind some tasty eats in our wake. For now, the feathers embedded into the windshield will have to be our souvenirs.

So to you I say,
Happy Thanksweening!


datri said...

Wow, I thought a deer hit your car! We have lots of wild turkeys here, too. They are so strange when they fly. I'll have to make sure to watch out for them like I do with the deer.

Kit said...

I'm grateful you and Jesse were seriously hurt. What a blessing!