Saturday, October 24, 2009

Goose chase- humph!

So that number the nurse gave, the one for the lead on the Thimerosal-free version of the H1N1 vaccine, was pointless. It only rang to the desks of people who had no idea what we were talking about. Sweet.

We were advised the next day by a pediatrician to go ahead and get Miles vaccinated, Thimerosal or not. Now, the county has run out of doses. Super Sweet.

Sorry for the sarcasm, but I am so over being paranoid. Literally, if I could, I would track down John Travolta's boy-in-the-bubble suit and put my whole family in there. Even the dogs, especially now that there is dog flu on the loose. Liloo (the smaller dog) would have to promise not to pass gas; her fanny fumes can make sculptures cry.

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