As of now, Miles gets very little in the way of speech services per his IFSP. Consultation; that's it. So our OT has recommended a few activities to hold us over until we can get another speech evaluation completed. Miles' upper lip is a bit on the small side, and the OT is looking into some stretching exercises that will help Miles learn to use a straw. Additionally, we are to use an electric toothbrush on his face, in a sweeping motion toward his mouth, to stimulate his mouth muscles. Now, honestly, I haven't been using the toothbrush on his face; I've been letting Miles chew on it as the ultimate teething toy. He has nothing to do with the toothbrush we got from the dentist; he abhors infant toothpaste. Trying to (technically) brush his teeth is turning into a joke- but letting Miles gum and swirl this contraption might be the answer.
As for Miles' speech progress, I am not sure where he should be know. He knows some signs, and on a few very rare occasions, he has used those signs to ask for something. Overall, he relies on a screech to get his point across. He does know a few words, too. Jesse is clearly "dadada." And the dogs are "gee" which is short for doggy. Miles can also say goodbye, but it sounds like "diedie." He can say mama, but he's never used that term for me. (And this makes me sad.) Luckily, the silly video below softens the blow.
Knowing that speech are hearing are close amigos, we went to the ENT this morning. His most recent ear infection spree has cleared. Doc said it might be linked to the dairy in Miles' diet, which we took out again (for the 100th time) last week. His mood has clearly improved since we excused the moo juice, too. Anyways, in four weeks, we go back for another hearing test to check for recent loss which might have occurred during the infections and to take a looksey in those itty-bitty ear canals. If the infections flair up for another round, Miles will have to get tubes put in. At that time, the ENT wants an allergy skin test performed. We are waiting for the 2 year check-up for the Celiac blood work, but we can do early food related testing sooner this route.
"Cellphone vs. Electric Toothbrush"
Starring Miles, a Spidey toothbrush, and my hand