Thursday, July 16, 2009

Our Favorite Farm Grrrl

Obviously, Mother Nature looks good in tie-dye. And that's tie-dye straight outta the Haight. Honest, I was there when she purchased it. That was 7 years ago, almost to the day. Good times.


Kit said...

OMG! It really has been that long since ya'll graduated.

Anna said...

Two things. A) Thanks for making me feel old. B) Did you really just type OMG!? This is like Freaky Friday, but it's only Twitching Thursday. What gives?

Love, A

Kit said...

The final edition over which I've been slaving is finally out the door en route to the bidding and printing processes. I'm entitled to be a little silly. Would you have preferred some of my other language options on your blog? Probably not.

When are we going to start editing this book? And just what is a lutwing? That's the security word.