Sunday, June 28, 2009

Putting the act into overreaction

While undressing Miles for an emergency bath this morning, per ultimate diaper blowout, I made a startling discovery. Lurking under his right armpit was a menacing new skin "development." Surely it was a malignant mole that surfaced during the night. In 2.4 seconds, I went from thinking about how such a sweet smelling baby could cook up such a foul smelling diaper (eye watering was this one in particular) to dermatological cold sweats linked to surgery and biopsies. Thank God I mustered the nerve to touch the new skin tag, and thus I learned that it was merely a wandering piece of Rice Chex.


If I couldn't laugh at myself, I'm not sure how I'd ever make through life. Obviously, I am ripe for parody.


datri said...

LOL, how'd a rice chex get under his armpit???

ab said...

We won't ask how rice chex got under the arm...just suffice to say that it are amazing...they can get anything anywhere and think nothing of it.

Now Mr. Miles is an expert on art! Had to laugh when you talked about the Faberge exhibit. I always think about the bazillion $$$$$$ I could owe someone if it knocked over, knocked down or just dropped something in those exhibits. Hey, to you think some of the school clay "thing-a-ma-jigs" I made in elementary school could be worth something? Hummmmmmm...I doubt it. Too bad!

I was catching up on reading your blog and had to laugh about the missing ring incident. I actually did lose mine...not sure where...but I think it came off when I was drying my hands in the ladies room at Huntington Middle School when I worked there. My suspicion is that it was in the paper towel I was using and it was unknowingly flung into to trash can. The wonderful custodian took off the U-shaped pipe under the sink to diligently search for it. Alas, never to be found. My White Knight (aka - Warren) came to the rescue and on Christmas presented me with another one. He was down on his knee as he lovingly gave it to me, with all the love (if not more) that he had when he gave it to me at the wedding. I kept looking at my finger all Christmas Day! It wasn't the original but it certainly made me happy. Aren't we lucky to have the guys we do?