Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A sliver of free time...

There's five minutes left in my evening until I head to bed and zone out watching "The Real Housewives of NYC**," so I thought I'd check in.  Life is being held hostage by this online class and work.  Glued to this laptop I have been but not doing fun activities like uploading more Miles pictures.

I've been more homesick these days.  In fact, I was sitting through a difficult meeting and had to leave because I started to cry.  I missed Miles that much- my heart was aching.  He's only a 20 minute drive away, but it feel like the longest drive in automotive history.  Luckily, I pulled myself together and blamed the watery eyes on allergies; 'tis the season to be red-eyed.  

Many reflections on the nature of love lately.  I keep talking with Jesse about how much my heart has grown since becoming a parent.  I fall in love with Miles all over again, every single day, and each time is a bit deeper than the day before.

I want to read everything that William Carlos Williams wrote.  I can't believe that I haven't devoured his work earlier- where have my eyeballs been??? A random note, I know, but his work is like lemon twist to the brain.  I'm hooked, but I have to finish Tori Spelling's autobiography first.  Honest.  And it's pretty good, good like wearing paisley flip flops to formal event.

**Well, I'm off to see Jill, Bethenney, Alex, Simon (he counts), and the really hyper one whose name eludes me at the moment, oh Ramona, that's it- but not the new lady Kelley; she's mean and a little off-center and not in a fun, reality TV way.  She looks like she'd cut you if you spill your drink onto her handbag.  I think Jesse secretly watches when I do.  Maybe he'll let me sign up for "The Real Housewives of Colonial Reenactment Towns."  But we both agree that it is not as good as Project Runway, duh.  Ciao!   

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