Thursday, April 9, 2009

My little Mozart

A couple of quick viewing notes:

1. Yes, he's wearing his Christmas bib, and it's April 9th.  But do you know how cold it is outside?!? Spring, I want a full refund.

2. The piano, which now hangs out in my living room, is in its third generational rotation.  

3. The keys have an added element of design.  My Uncle Jimmy, as a little guy, took nail clippers to the end of the ivories- thus giving the keys a scalloped look.  Classy!  I'm sure if he hadn't done it, I would have done something similar when I was that age.  Surprisingly, my name is not carved on the sides; that used to me my trademark.  

4. Can you read the books on the top ledge?  One cover is Rolling Stone's Top 500 songs of all time.  I've asked Jesse, the resident music expert, to learn "Sweet Child O' Mine."  Miles needs to see my sweet Alex Rose-like dance.  The second cover, which is signed by the author, is Barry Louis Polisar's "Noises Under the Rug."  He's like a vulgar Raffi; the guy sings about boogers and mean teachers.  Love it!

5. What I recorded was at the end of a 20 minute jam session put on by the guy in diapers.  Miles loves, LOVES, to play instruments.  To y'all it might sound jumbled and random, to me, that is music of my heart.  I hear melodic abstraction, commentary on his Yo Baby + rice cereal breakfast, observations about the new tooth that's ripping in...Miles is quite serious and focused when he's at the keys.  In fact, he looks like he should have on a suit jacket and a monocle.  Or maybe I have a secret desire to dress my son up like the Monopoly guy.  Only time will tell.

6. Enjoy!  The CD release party will be sometime this summer.  I'm hoping to get Sting and Bono to sit in on a few tracks.


Kit said...

Thanks for the concert.

I'm Jennifer said...

Get that kid into music lessons! Most kids would just bang away, but Miles obviously has some special talent, he's so intense about it. Can't wait to see what instruments he specializes in!

Mk's Mom said...

I hear that Rich Whiskey Audition needs a keyboard player.....I'm reccomending Miles!