Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Teething Sucks!

Pardon my French, but last night was a nightmare for everyone in my house- especially the little guy trying to push a tooth through.  Even the dogs hid in our room toward the end of the (very early) evening.  He went to bed at 7- which is  a personal best.  Miles has a scary cry that he reserves for real pain; we affectionately call it his "Total Recall" cry.  The moniker stems from the ending scene of that (Governor- what were they thinking!!!) Schwarzenegger gem, where his character steps out onto the Martian (as in Mars) surface without a space suit on.  As a blood chilling scream erupts, his face melts, and his eyes pop out.  Jesse gets all of the credit for making the parallel between the two freak-outs.

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