Sunday, February 15, 2009

Me, a poet? Bet you didn't know it.

I heart the haiku.
Don't you heart the haiku, too?
So few words to chew.

I got some grinspiration from little man tonight.  Teething appears to have kicked back in- or he's developed a rabid taste for fingers, pillows, high chair trays, remote controls, puppy ears... though I intercepted the last mentioned snack fairly quickly.  Drooling is now at an all time high.  Solid foods are being turned away.  And as I type, angry raspberries pepper the baby monitor.  Please, oh, please let there be a tooth soon.  I wrote a haiku while giving Miles his final bottle for the night, a haiku series about teething.  I am not smart enough to write an ode nor a couplet.  There is safety in small numbers; never would I even dare to think beyond the 5-7-5 syllabication rule of haiku. 

Nine Thoughts on Teething:

Infant cry wakes me-
he's feverishly chewing,
gnawing on dog's tail.

Winter fog, brisk morn.
Drool, like a frozen coy pond,
cakes my son's red chin.

Groundhog- try again.
No shadow equals no teeth.
Groundhog fur is in.

Do gums accept bribes?
Twenties- unmarked in Swiss bank.
Wire tap the lips.

Heck no!  Break out the Motrin.
Soothe the baby's mouth.

Chomp, chomp, chew, chew, chew
Have you seen my new dress shoe?
He put it where? Gross!

Twinkle little star.
Shine good luck into his mouth.
Let there be chompers.

Lone, white pillar sprout!
Push up.  Spring forth.  Do your job.
Our waiting must end.

Hark, what have I done?
Will these verses leave curses?
If so, my bad yo.

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