Wednesday, December 3, 2008

No news is good news & better nights all around

A quick post before I conk out.  Miles' innards look a-okay according to the Upper GI.  Everything is there, and it's in the right spot- thought the GI specialist says that doesn't mean that he doesn't have acid reflux.  Okay, so then what is going on?  Being the crafty and meddlesome person that I am, I put Miles back on rice cereal.  Having been whole grain free for over a week seems to have made a difference.  As I mentioned before, if he does have a wheat allergy, and the doctor blew me off for being over-sensitive, I am going to be one hot potato.  

No wheat has lead to a drastic reduction of early evening screaming.  Before the switch, Miles would writhe in pain, arch his back, refuse his bottle- from about 6pm to whatever time he passed out, which was always after 9pm.  Now the pain seems so much better, and the same for the spit-up.  Miles does still have spit-up, but much, much less and more infrequent.  Makes you wonder.

Update from the sleep battle lines: I put my size 9 1/2 foot down on driving Miles to sleep this weekend.  It was getting ridiculous- every single time the kid needed to sleep, we had to schlep him to the car.  Not just for a quick drive, mind you.  We'd cruise around for 30 minutes to an hour- and most of the time was filled with screaming.  Then it dawned on me- it'd be a lot cheaper to let Miles scream at home (and better for the environment).  However, the screaming factor has been almost eliminated.  He's going to bed beautifully!  He'll chatter for 20 minutes and get a tad fussy.  At that point, either Jesse or I will pop in and give Miles his binky- the soother of all woes- and snugly swaddle him.  TADA...that's it for the night.   

I just couldn't have the only teenager who needed to be driven to sleep.  Yep, that was my main motivation.  Honest!

Finally, in less than a week, Miles is going in for his 9 month check-up.  I know, I can't believe it myself.  He's growing up so quickly!


Cynthia said...

Did they do any biopsies while they were in there? That will let them know if there is reflux damage, as well as any damage to his small intestine if there is something like celiac disease going on.
It is awfully coincidental that cutting out the grains settled him down.

Kit said...

Coincidence -- aka serendipity --
aka grace!

Anonymous said...

Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm...could it be that The Mom knows more the the doctor????
Stay tuned...I'm sure we will hear the outcome of this mystery.
Personally, I vote for The Mom...

Amber Turner said...

There is a reason for the saying, "Mother knows Best!" LOL!

LOVE the new pics by the way...he has such gorgeous eyes!