Saturday, December 27, 2008

Howdy Strangers!

I've been absentee by choice.  My glorious school division has given us a two week winter break.  I am now half through my time off, and I couldn't be happier!  The last thing I've wanted to do is type; can you blame me???
Okay, here's the update:  We made the trip to my grandfather's in 5 days- there and back.  Jesse and my brother shared the driving, and Miles and I chilled in the backseat.  The drive, which typically takes an infant-free car about 15 hours, turned into a 20 hour drive.  We did the trip down in one day, arriving at the hotel around 4:30 am.  We were doing fine until around 10 pm- when Miles decided he no longer liked his car seat, but by that time we hadn't cancelled the room reservation.  After weighing the options (and the hefty room price), we decided to power through.  Let me tell you- that final leg of the drive was painful for all.  Luckily, we wised up and stopped mid-way on the return trip back.  The visit was amazing; my grandfather got plenty of Miles time in.  Watching those two together was absolutely magical- pictures to come in the next post.   Oh, Miles did end up meeting Santa- in an Oyster Bar!  We originally opted not to take Miles to see Santa because we thought he'd get freaked out.  However, Santa found Miles in Florida, in 70 degree weather, looking as authentic as possible.  Not only did this guy agree to take pictures with Miles, he gave Miles a parting gift- 2 gold coins.  (Not really gold, but they are dollar coins- very cool!)
Other interesting Miles facts: he's almost crawling!!!  He'll either bend up on his arms as if he is in the cobra pose (think yoga), or he'll scoot around face first with his arms by his sides.  Very soon, we're hopping, he'll do both at the same time.  Miles can also officially clap- and clap hard enough to hear.  I might have mentioned before that he sits unassisted now- this is a couple of weeks old.  And he's quickly working on pulling himself up.  Most of his new IFSP goals focus on walking.  I've asked for a speech eval- just to make sure he's making the necessary progress.  The babbling has kicked into high gear.  He's making every consonant + A sound: da, ba, la. . . but no ma's yet.  

Details from Christmas to follow in a later post...

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