Monday, November 24, 2008

Now we wait

Miles was a star patient this morning.  He didn't mind having to wait another thirty minutes- a polite infant who had to wait until 9:30 for his first bottle- amazing.  Nor did he mind being strapped to board and rotating around- that part was especially fun.  But the most mind boggling event of the morning- our supremely picky eater downed 2 ounces of barium without a peep.  It was only when they tried to feed him while he was hanging completely upside down did he express a complaint.  

Jesse helped the doctor and tech during the procedure.  I was stationed behind the glass partition watching slide by slide.  A few of the first shots focused on his chest wires- he permanent bow ties are in place, like he's ready to go to six formal dances in a row!  I sat patiently, pretending that I understood everything I saw.  We never saw a big eruption from the tummy.  The barium went down and stayed down- until we were in the waiting room- where my sweater got hosed.  Does this mean it will glow in the dark?  

True to form, I've got a new worry.  What if the UGI doesn't detect GER?  Should I have walked my sweater back to show them as evidence?  Now we are waiting for a call from the GI specialist.  After the UGI, we stopped by her office (in the same children's hospital) and picked up some new formula to try.  The GI doc wants us to try hypoallergenic formula.  She sent us with a particular brand, which she referred to as the Cadillac of all formulas.  To me, that must mean its very expensive.

I am also waiting for the infamous white poop to surface.  I wonder which one will happen first-a call from the doctor or me changing a chalky diaper.  My money is on the poop.  


Cynthia said...

I'm impressed with how Miles did during his test! I don't think I'd want to eat while hanging upside down either. And to not urp during the test. He was just trying to be polite, right?

Unknown said...

Glad you guys survived! I had a feeling he would eat it alright. My son isn't picky, but the tech told us the kids do like it. I'm surprised he didn't throw up on that table because it seemed like a min-roller coaster to me! Gosh, when Mason had his the stuff went everywhere. Oh, and I never did see a white poop! Do they think he could be allergic to milk if it isn't GER?

Anna said...

Well- Miles has been on soy formula for over a month. We haven't noticed an improvement on it. What is interesting is that we realized most of his troubles started (a) after the surgery and (b) when we started feeding him whole grain cereal. As of yesterday, we took the whole grain out of the diet and switched back to rice cereal. We should know the results of the UGI tomorrow. His doctor said she would do the Celiac blood test in January because I was so insistent during our first appointment. And there was no Berium explosion during the test- it went down and stayed down. Must have been the vanilla flavoring.