Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bad case of the what-if's

Has anyone ever used Thick It?  We have used Thick It (2) in Miles' bottles all week, on the recommendation of his GI specialist.  I didn't think it was possible, but he is even angrier at night.  Last night, during his final feeding (sounds a little like Sea World here) for the night, he would scream any time I brought the bottle near.  This new level of agitation only arrived on the heels of the Thick It's debut.  So Thick It (2) got the ax last night.  

Thank goodness the Upper GI is scheduled for Monday.  Little man is in some serious pain, and we haven't been able to make him feel any better.  To be honest, I have some serious worries linked to the procedure.  Not to the test itself but more to what might be discovered.  Everything I've ever read about GER says it surfaces either from week 1 to week 6.  Miles never had nary a spit up prior to his heart surgery, nor did he have any issues tolerating breast milk and milk-based formulas.  Fast-forward to September, during the post-op phase, all of these food and GER problems appear.  What if his pain is linked to his surgery?  That something was sliced that shouldn't have, that there is new hole to contend with. . .Ugh!  I've always been prone to negative "what-if" thoughts, like my worst-case scenario thoughts have their own channel.  Now that I am a parent, that channel is now broadcast in HD. 


Cynthia said...

I never did use Thick It, but I know a lot of people use it. It could be it is making it too hard (because it is thick) to drink from a bottle. Have you tried a little cup with his milk in it?

I understand how Monday won't come fast enough and is coming too fast. I do hope you can find out what is the problem and help Miles. Poor guy!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

OK Thick it SUCKS. It's gritty and gross. Can't blame him for pushing it away. Try Simply Thick . It's a gel vs. powder and there is no grittiness (is that a word?). Also it comes in individual serving packets which are great for when you're on the go! Check it out!