Monday, September 1, 2008

Anna needs...

Some of my favorite blogs (Opposite Kids and MeAnderings- see "Blogs I Heart" list) and thousands of other sites have been doing this "experiment." (Those are actually air quotes, not real quotes.)   This is an on-line experiment requiring the Google search engine and a good sense of humor.  Step One:  Determine your first name.  Check with parental units and/or birth records is doubt arises.  Step Two:  Take said proper name and compose the following phrase: "(Insert your name) needs" in the Google search window.  Step Three:  Giggle at all the weird phrases that pop up.  

Disclaimer:  If your search was anything like mine, you'll find some rather questionable like-named folks out there.  A few were a bit nasty- but whatever, it's not really you or me.  (Or is it???)  So laugh I say!

Without further ado, this is what I apparently need:

Anna needs...
to give her family a variety of vegetables
the security of parental support
a really good attorney
monitoring 24 hours a day
to be adding a little bacon grease to those beans
to develop her anthropological perspectives
to go away to where all the little witches go
not to curse anymore
to be prompted to go to the bathroom
more coffee
more sleep
to try hard at cooking
a home
a boyfriend
to be excused from class
to find a toilet
new ones

If you are very literal, you'll appreciate what I did next.  I searched for "insert your name needs" and got three interesting results.  Here goes:

Insert your name needs...
-to go deeper into hock
-to be excused from work, as he has an urgent appointment with a cold pint of beer in the nearest pub
-chastising when (insert my name) decides (insert your name) needs it

Happy hunting.  I'd love to see your funniest results; just post them in the comment box.


Flip! Photography said...

Courtney Goldman needs…

to clean up her act first
to finish hard in games
to step the f*ck up
not apply
to move forward and just leave OJ alone
to be well-informed
as much help as possible
to microwave it


Anonymous said...

Quinn needs...

more playing time
our help
another fast turnaround in fortunes
some prayers
a home

that was fun!!! thanks anna!

Anonymous said...

most fun I've had in a WHILE!
Mary Jo needs:
Chinese people
to retaliate
an overhaul
to spend her money
to just keep saying no
help with my whole life
to have adequate agricultural statistics
to vent about yard sales
to be more beautiful, more thin and more engaging!!!