Go to the above address- it's not a link because Blogger isn't letting me link at the moment. Just highlight, cut, and paste the address into your browser menu and prepare to be amazed. I heard this story on NPR early last week.
I'm either rocking out to The Clash or getting my daily dose of somber news from NPR on my way to work. The drive is usually 15 to 20 minutes, depending on whether I make my own coffee or not. Anyways, I took a chance and turned on the radio. Lately, all I hear are such frustrating stories. Remember The Great Depression...hello! But something told me to suck it up and get informed on this particular morning. And bless NPR's FM, static-y heart. They typically do a stellar job at reporting science, but this story knocked the wind out of my chest.
Parents of children with autism, you really need to read this story. Basically, a brain/neuro-scientist may have discovered a drug that will lessen the symptoms linked to Fragile X Syndrome. The drug will regulate, and I believe, slow down the firing between synapses. Synapses are where most of the processing trouble occurs, especially when info is being fired back and forth too quickly. In theory, the medication will act as a handbrake for the brain; slow down the thought traffic to ensure that proper messages are sent and received. There are speculations that this medication will also help children across the entire PDD/ Autism spectrum. Additionally, it may also be used in treating children with intellectual disabilities. I was sitting in the Starbucks drive-thru line, fighting back tears of wonder and hope, while listening to this report. And who can we credit for helping this discovery find funding and exposure? A set of determined parents of a 19 year-old son with Fragile X- true advocates.
So why the obscure title for this posting? Well, I shared the story's summary with a colleague that same morning. She quickly replied, "Wouldn't this drug put you out of a job?" My response, "Are you serious?" This is a monumental discovery, with the potential to help millions of people. Besides, this would be a great excuse to start on my career as an artist.
Let me know what you think after read/ listening to the story. If that address isn't quite right, I've posted on the side of this page as a link.