Thursday, August 14, 2008

Degas in Diapers

How did we celebrate our great doctor's visit? With paint!


Anonymous said...

Reserve a signed print for me. Such talent ! He must have inherited it from his artistic Mom! I celebrate your fantastic doctor reports! Miles has overcome so much and you and Jesse have come through this so well..I nominate you for PARENTS OF THE YEAR!

Keep Mk and Mike in your prayers. Mike has some tough times to face.

Anna said...

Mike and MK are already there- two of my favorite people! These are certainly tough times.

:o) mg said...

Y'know, you could sell those on eBay. Especially with the picture of him painting them to certify that he did them.... very clever way to pay for something for him later down the road... some fancy schmancy art school maybe?

Becki Williams Vasquez said...

My favorite pictures of Miles so far!

