Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Who has 2 thumbs and some free time? This chick!

We actually got to cancel an appointment with Miles' cardiologist today.  He didn't need it- the diuretic has made an marked improvement.  Also, the murmur has gotten worse.  Whew, this is a huge relief on many fronts.  Primarily, I've never had the luxury of not needing medical attention for him.  Granted, we are in the eye of the storm, and many more massive (and much scarier) appointments loom ahead.  Our little man is doing well enough for us to fore go the trip to Henrico.  Which leads me to the second point of thankfulness- going to Dr. F would have had us in the car for a total of 3 hours today.  
Tomorrow we are driving to Charlottesville for our first round of appointments and consultations.  That's diaper money we are pouring into that gas tank.  Cha-ching! Oh, I just had a lightning bolt moment.  Some one needs to fashion a car that runs on dirty diapers.  A true utopian dream, transportation that is sustained by diapers.  Hug the earth by running on Huggies!  
Finally, we have many preparations to take care of today.  No extra time is available, so why am I typing about diaper sci-fi right now???  I just drafted Miles' packing list.  I always make packing lists- if I don't make the list, I forget the essentials.  His list is 25+ items long.  My car is not built to hold 25+ items, plus two adults and their luggage.  But back to the gas issue, my car is the vehicle of choice for road trips.  I burn fewer dinosaurs than Jesse's monster-sized ride.  
I better run and get started on the packing spree before Miles wakes up.  All bets are off the moment his little peepers crack open.  My window for errands become extinct, just like those poor little T-Rex's in my gas tank.

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