Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Son, the Flirt

He was born to break hearts. . .Miles has won over every nurse at Dr. G's office. We went for a weight check this morning. The good news is Miles is back on track. Last week he didn't gain enough weight; I responded my super-gluing a bottle to his mouth and shoveling in rice cereal any time he paused for a smile. Seriously, that was scary. But today he gained almost 1/2 a pound. Good news! As for my son's future career as a ladies' man, that's looking like a done deal. When we checked in the front desk, I heard two of the nurses say, "Ohhhh- Miles is here. He's my baby." I don't mind sharing him, but I am not going to share any credit for the birth. I was the one breathing her brains out- where is my medal?? Anyways- these nurses just love him. I can't blame them; he's like a tasty butter biscuit, a sweet silly goose, a baby bumble bee. . .all names I call him. The next phase is to train Miles to parlay his flirting into getting free stuff- just like his daddy. I can't remember the last time Jesse paid for a cup of coffee. And I never get jealous as long as I also get a free cup. Maybe Miles can flirt his way into a new Prius for mommy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness - that is THE greatest picture!!!

Mary Jo