Friday, July 18, 2008

Milestones: Hope in a 16 year old "bottle"

Milestones: Hope in a 16 year old "bottle"


Anonymous said...

Hi, Anna--
My name is Theresa, and I have a 5-year old daughter with Down Syndrome who had heart surgery at MCG in Augusta, GA when she was 6 months old. She had an AV Canal defect. The surgery went very well, and she is a happy, active 5-year old who is interested in everything. It was very scary to hand her over to the OR nurse, but with prayer and inspirational music, we made it through. She came through with flying colors, and was only in the PICU for 5 days! I should warn you, though, that it's a little frightening when you see them after the surgery and they're hooked up to all sorts of tubes, and unconscious because of muscle relaxers to keep them still. But don't worry, he'll get off of those before you know it and will be smiling away at you!
I will be praying for your sweet little boy and eagerly awaiting the surgery news. My family and I are going on vacation tomorrow and won't be back till the 26th, but I will check your blog after that. May God bless your family!

Anna said...

Thank you for the comment. I can't tell you how comforting it is to hear from other families who have been in our situation. Your daughter's recovery sounds amazing. We are holding onto the dream that Miles will be bouncing off the walls once he has healed. We know that the surgery will only make him strong, but it is still scary- as you very well know. Also, thank you for your prayers. Ultimately, I know that Miles' care is not in my hands. I am crying now- knowing that I will have to let him go on the 25th. luckily, he is sitting with me- with a forehead ready for mommy kisses.

Take care and have a great vacation!