Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Chariot of Fur

Tonight at Casa del Thomas. . .

The above pictures feature Miles sitting on Rajah, our senior ranking hound. Raj has gotten crotchety is the past few years and typically doesn't tolerate too much silliness. However, when it comes to Miles, Raj is willing to make an exception. He let Miles on his back for 2 minutes- time enough to find the camera and snap two pictures. Not enough time to change the photo setting to color, hence Raj has faded into the shadows. In honor of Raj's coolness, I am dubbing him a Chariot of Fur. (or should it be Chariot of Fur-er)

Miles and Mommy chillin' on the only leopard sofa in the colonial district. I'm certain we'd get fined if the item in question was spotted from the road. I think that's why I love it so much. It's actually a Thomas family heirloom. Maybe someday Miles will be able to call it his own; that's if I am willing to share.

1 comment:

I'm Jennifer said...

that last photo is so precious. of course, Rajah is as adorable as ever.