Sunday, May 25, 2008

Fashion Forward

Memories are meant to be made of substance. This memory is made of tiny metal teeth and puppy feet. Last night Miles wore his first zippered outfit. So far, the little man has only rocked clothing that snaps, some with hundreds of snaps that foil any quick midnight diaper change. Ahh the zipper. . .so smooth and sleek, a miracle of modern fashion. This zipper is on a pair of big-boy jammies that have puppy heads on the feet. Too cute! What blows my mind is that I fixated on the zipper- my son made it to zipper clothing. Not 2 weeks ago, it seemed like his life became more fragile than an eggshell on a bowling alley. His diagnosis of Down Syndrome and the news of his congenital heart defect became dominoes tumbling down our sense of normalcy. Now, something as simple as a zipper, brings us back to homeostasis. Zipping Miles up made me feel stronger. We are no longer a family that simply snaps. We are a family zipping into the future! If we can conquer zippers, we can conquer anything one tug at a time.

1 comment:

Flip! Photography said...

Just wait until you buckle his shoes!!