Friday, December 28, 2007

28 weeks down- and my mind is running rabid :)

Yesterday the bump and I had our 28 week OB appointment. I had to drink the glucose cocktail and have blood drawn. I was a tad nervous, seeing that they closely time you in drink the sugar bevy. You get two minutes- that's it, or the test is compromised. I think I made all co-eds proud by finish the drink in a record 15 seconds! (There was an old Chi-O chant going through my head, but I won't repeat it here. You still might catch fragments of it on the patio of the College Delly on Thursday nights, around 11 pm. That chant was my mantra to get the juice down.) It wasn't too bad- it tasted like a 100 year old Sunkist soda. The after-effects were interesting. I didn't get hyper, but I got really hot. Lucky for me, I had to wait for the doc in my socks and a paper gown for 45 minutes. That turned out to be a quick fix to the sugar induced heat flash, though I spent most of the time wiggling around. (There is never enough paper to cover all the essentials.) The test results will be back in a few days. I really hope I don't have to take the extended 4 hour version of this test- more funky Sunkist and even more blood drawn. To ensure that a false-positive result would be reached, I fasted on all things sugar 2 days prior to the test. What a huge sacrifice to make when you've got a kitchen full of Christmas goodies! Not fair.

Now it's time to explain the pictures above. . .
The worst part is that dreaded needle- with it's menacing hollow shaft and big tubed friends. I had been fretting about this over my entire break. Thoughts of sugar plum fairies and phlebotomists danced in my head Christmas Eve; like I was stuck in the remake of "The Nutcracker" starring Dr. Mengele and the Golden Girls. But as always, and you can verify this with Jesse, my imagination never lives up to the actual event. I blow everything out of proportion. This is what happens to unharnessed creativity- when it's allowed to run-a-muck. In reality, the OB's resident phlebotomist is actcually very nice and does a great job. Also, I am a big chicken.

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